Wednesday, October 24, 2012

When did you get so smart?

Mom, I'm drawing a rainbow.  What comes after Orange?


What comes after yellow?


What comes after Green?


What comes after blue?

Um.... brown? 

No, Mom, its Indigo.

Sounds good.

What comes after indigo?

Umm..... purple?

Mom!  Its violet!

Apparently I need to go back to preschool.

One for the books

As Bree was looking through her bookbag Monday she asked:

"Mom!!  Where's my homework?!"
"You didn't have any homework last night."
"Oh.  I hope she gives us homework tonight."
Bet you that never comes out of her mouth again.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Guess what?

"MOM!!  I ate all my food so you don't have to work today!"

Can you tell we've been talking about the wasting of anything means that Mommy and Daddy have to work more?

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Can you not repeat that in public please?

Bree: Mom, Jacob can strip like you and me now, huh?

Me: racking every corner of my brain trying to figure out what she could possibly mean  Umm.. Bree you're going to have to explain that one to me.

Bree: Jacob's cheese.  He can strip his string cheese like us.

Me:  Peel, bree.  The word is 'peel'.

Bree:  Peel what, Mom?