Friday, December 28, 2012



Bree: Okay, Mom, but you don't have to scream it.

She likes the fall but I don't think she shares my enthusiasm for snow.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Concept of time

"It will take 61 years to be as old as Daddy."

How old do these kids think we are???

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

When did you get so smart?

Mom, I'm drawing a rainbow.  What comes after Orange?


What comes after yellow?


What comes after Green?


What comes after blue?

Um.... brown? 

No, Mom, its Indigo.

Sounds good.

What comes after indigo?

Umm..... purple?

Mom!  Its violet!

Apparently I need to go back to preschool.

One for the books

As Bree was looking through her bookbag Monday she asked:

"Mom!!  Where's my homework?!"
"You didn't have any homework last night."
"Oh.  I hope she gives us homework tonight."
Bet you that never comes out of her mouth again.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Guess what?

"MOM!!  I ate all my food so you don't have to work today!"

Can you tell we've been talking about the wasting of anything means that Mommy and Daddy have to work more?

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Can you not repeat that in public please?

Bree: Mom, Jacob can strip like you and me now, huh?

Me: racking every corner of my brain trying to figure out what she could possibly mean  Umm.. Bree you're going to have to explain that one to me.

Bree: Jacob's cheese.  He can strip his string cheese like us.

Me:  Peel, bree.  The word is 'peel'.

Bree:  Peel what, Mom?

Friday, September 28, 2012

Where are you going?

Bree has been infatuated with her Nintendo DS this week - more specifically the picture taking ability.  Today she yells from the living room:

"Mom!  I need to take pictures of the whole house so when I don't live here anymore I'll remember what it looks like."

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

She's catching on

To keep the kids occupied while I made dinner I turned the TV on to the Nick Jr (preschool programming) station.  Upon discovering that Ni Hao Kai-lan** was coming on next Bree ever so seriously turns to me and says,

"Mom, Kai-lan's friends always have problems, don't they?"

** For those who aren't so hip to Nick Jr programming, Ni Hao Kai-lan deals with Kai-lan's friends having negative reactions to problems, how to deal with said problems and change their attitude for the better.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

And what do you say to that?

After having one of many discussions with Bree about being a good role model for Jacob because he does every. little. thing. she does, Bree came back with:

"But Jacob climbed up on the counter and put the TV remote into the toaster and I didn't teach him how to do that."


Momma had to take a moment of silence on that one.  I wasn't sure how to respond. 

Darn clever 4 year olds.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

After my own heart

As Bree was looking out the window, some leaves happened to drop from their branches.

"Momma!  The leaves are falling!"

Be still my heart. 

My daughter loves fall. 

I hated to burst her bubble by explaining the leaves that were falling were dead due to lack of rain, not because its almost the most wonderful season of all.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Magic Trick

"Momma, my bug bite still itches.  See?  Its still there.  Its just moved."

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


During this Lent season we've been watching a lot of Jesus Christ Superstar.  Of course the first time through with Bree was spent answering more questions than even the Riddler could come up with.  However she got a firm grasp of the movie, who was who and what was going on. 

One weekday evening Bree requested to watch "the Jesus movie" again and I obliged.  As the first few notes of the movie started so began Bree's narration.  I simply nodded, 'yepped', and 'thats right' to all that she said.  Then she turned and looked at me.

Have you seen this movie before Momma?

Apparently we have a little work to do in the Bible story area.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

That solves that problem

Me: Breezy, you want to get Jacob something for his birthday?

Bree: Yeah!

Me: Whats something you might want to get him?

Bree: A new fishing game.

Me: We already have a fishing game.  Are you sure that what you want to get him?

Bree: Yeah.  That way Jacob can stop breaking my fishing game.

She's always thinking!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Point proved

After an exhausting hour and a half visit to the doctors office, my patience and the children's attention spans had flown out of the window.  Upon returning home, Jacob was put down for a nap and Bree was put into her bed for a lengthy time out (and possible nap as well).  Over an hour later Bree shouts from her room:

"Mom, can I get out of bed yet?  I'm ready to listen now."

"Fine Bree. Come here."

Delayed pause....


Yeah... we're ready to listen alright.

Sunday, January 1, 2012